By Kim Naraine

Smoothies have become fixtures in the daily lives of the health-conscious, and for good reason. Brimming with fruits and vegetables, and all of their abundance of associated nutritional benefits, they represent a quick, easy and refreshing way to fuel a workout or recuperate after one. Fresh smoothies are sold almost everywhere you look, and pre-made ones are taking over local grocery stores.

Creating your own smoothie recipe at home can be as simple as 1, 2, 3 :


1. Choose your liquid base

Fortified nut-based milk provides an excellent source of protein, calcium and Vitamin D. Coconut water is another option that is low in calories and a great source of potassium.


 2. Add your fruits and vegetables

These will add flavour, texture and colour to your smoothie, in addition to a myriad of nutrients. Fruits such as bananas, pineapples, berries, and melons will add sweetness, while vegetables such as spinach, kale or dandelion greens will provide significant amounts of Vitamins A and K, as well as copper.


3. Add superfoods and additional protein

Smoothies can be a simple way to increase your intake of some of the best nutrient-dense foods. Superfoods such as chia seeds, goji berries, raw cacao, spirulina and coconut oil blend easily and provide a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, as well as amino acids and fatty acids, among other benefits. The addition of nut butters, such as almond or peanut, or yogurt can add additional protein and nutrients. To keep your smoothie vegan, choose a non-dairy alternative to traditional yogurts, such as an almond or soy-based product.


By experimenting with different combinations, you can create your own unique, delicious, nutritious smoothie blend to fuel you through your active day.

Continue following Kalya for weekly recipes and nutrition tips.